Céline Lafabrie

CV professionnel de Céline Lafabrie

Fonctions universitaires

  • Maître de conférences en écologie marine
  • Responsable pédagogique de la L1 SVT pour le S2


  • 2007 : Doctorat en biologie (spécialité: écologie marine), Université de Corse
  • 2007-09 : Post-doctorat, Dauphin Island Sea Lab (Alabama, États-Unis)
  • 2010-11 : ATER, Université de Corse
  • 2012-13 : Post-doctorat, IRD / UMR ECOSYM Montpellier (expatriation en Tunisie: Faculté des Sciences de Bizerte)
  • 2014 : Post-doctorat, UMR ECOSYM Montpellier
  • Depuis oct 2014 : MCF, Université de la Polynésie française

Domaines de recherche

  • Ecophysiologie des producteurs primaires
  • Réponses des producteurs primaires aux pressions anthropiques
  • Bioaccumulation des contaminants chimiques / développement de bioindicateurs
  • Relations trophiques et flux de matière dans les écosystèmes lagonaires et récifaux

Publications significatives

  • Pringault O., Lafabrie C., Avezac M., Bancon-Montigny C., Carré C., Chalghaf M., Delpoux D., Duvivier A., Elbaz-Poulichet F., Gonzalez C., Got P., Leboulanger C., Spinelli S., Sakka Hlaili A., Bouvy M., 2016. Consequences of contaminant mixture on the dynamics and functional diversity of bacterioplankton in a southwestern Mediterranean coastal ecosystem. En révision pour publication dans Chemosphere 144, 1060-1073.
  • Richir J., Salivas-Decaux M., Lafabrie C., Lopez y Royo C., Gobert S., Pergent G., Pergent-Martini C., 2015. Bioassessment of trace element contamination of Mediterranean coastal waters using the seagrass Posidonia oceanica. Journal of Environmental Management 151, 486-499.
  • Hunter A., Cebrian J., Stutes J.P., Patterson D., Christiaen B., Lafabrie C., Goff J., 2014. Magnitude and trophic fate of black needlerush (Juncus roemerianus) productivity : Does nutrient addition matter ? Wetlands, DOI 10.1007/s13157-014-0611-5.
  • Lafabrie C., Sakka Hlaili A., Leboulanger C., Tarhouni I., Ben Othman H., Mzoughi N., Chouba L., Pringault O., 2013. Contaminated-sediment resuspension induces shifts in the structure and the functioning of phytoplankton in an eutrophic Mediterranean lagoon. Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems 410, 05.
  • Garrido M*, Lafabrie C.*, Torre F., Fernandez C., Pasqualini V., 2013. Resilience and stability of Cymodocea nodosa dominated seagrass meadows over the last four decades in a Mediterranean lagoon. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 130, 89-98.
  • Lafabrie C.*, Garrido M.*, Leboulanger C., Cecchi P., Gregori G., Pasqualini V., Pringault O., 2013. Impact of contaminated sediment resuspension on phytoplankton in a Mediterranean lagoon: Functional and structural responses. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 130, 70-80.
  • Lafabrie C., Major K., Major C.S., Miller M.M., Cebrian J., 2013. Trace metal contamination of the aquatic plant Hydrilla verticillata and associated sediment in a coastal Alabama creek (Gulf of Mexico - USA). Marine Pollution Bulletin 68, 147-151.
  • Lafabrie C., Major K., Major C.S., Miller M.M., Cebrian J., 2011. Comparison of morphology and photo-physiology with metal/metalloid bioaccumulation in Vallisneria neotropicalis. Journal of Hazardous Materials 191, 356-365.
  • Pergent G., Labbé C., Lafabrie C., Kantin R., Pergent-Martini C., 2011. Organic and inorganic human-induced contamination of Posidonia oceanica meadows. Ecological Engineering 37, 999-1002.
  • Lafabrie C., Major K.M., Major C.S., Cebrian J., 2011. Arsenic and mercury bioaccumulation in the aquatic plant, Vallisneria neotropicalis. Chemosphere 82, 1393-1400.
  • Lafabrie C., Pergent G., Pergent-Martini C., 2009. Utilization of the seagrass Posidonia oceanica to evaluate the spatial dispersion of metal contamination. Science of the Total Environment 407, 2440-2446.
  • Hunter A., Morris N.M.B., Lafabrie C., Cebrian C., 2008. Effects of nutrient enrichment on Distichlis spicata and Salicornia bigelovii in a marsh salt pan. Wetlands 28, 760-775.
  • Lafabrie C., Pergent-Martini C., Pergent G., 2008. Metal contamination of Posidonia oceanica meadows along the Corsican coastline (Mediterranean). Environmental Pollution 151, 262-268.
  • Lafabrie C., Pergent-Martini C., Pergent G., 2008. First results on the study of metal contamination along the Corsican coastline using Posidonia oceanica. Marine Pollution Bulletin 57, 155-159.
  • Lafabrie C., Pergent G., Kantin R., Pergent-Martini C., Gonzalez J.-L., 2007. Trace metals assessment in water, sediment, mussel and seagrass species - Validation of the use of Posidonia oceanica as a metal biomonitor. Chemosphere 68, 2033-2039.
  • Lafabrie C., Pergent G., Pergent-Martini C., Capiomont A., 2007. Posidonia oceanica: A tracer of past mercury contamination. Environmental pollution 148, 688-692.

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