Séminaire sur le thème : "Hybridity in the language classroom – empowering students or perpetuating privilege?"

Actualités Recherche Conférence , Recherche
Date de l'événement : -
Salle de réunion de l'ESPE, campus de l'UPF
Le Dr Yvette SLAUGHTER, Senior Lecturer (HDR), Melbourne Graduate School of Education, interviendra le jeudi 17 janvier 2019 à 18h30 en salle de réunion de l'ESPE (séminaire en anglais).


Conventional views of second language acquisition often frame languages as discrete systems that speakers switch between. However, state-of-the-art theories of bilingualism, including translanguaging, have begun to challenge this assumption, arguing that the language practices of bilinguals are drawn from a single linguistic repertoire and that enabling access to the full breadth of students’ language practices can be a vital resource for further language development. Grounded in the belief that the language practices of students should be interwoven into the school experience, rather than ignored, subjugated or ‘fixed’, this presentation explores findings from multiple research projects in the Australian context investigating the role for and nature of hybrid language practices in different school settings, highlighting the benefits of teachers taking a plurilingual stance, along with the challenges of potentially perpetuating a privileged experience of multilingualism.

Biography of the speaker

Dr Slaughter’s research focuses on plurilingual pedagogies and multilingualism in education; language policy and planning, bilingualism and bilingual education, and the use of ICT in both program delivery and teaching practices. She is co-editor of Challenging the Monolingual Mindset and her recent research has included English as an Additional Language students’ multilingual repertories as a resource for teaching and curriculum development; Improving the language learning and technology connection in regional and rural schools in Australia, and Enabling pluralism: eliminating educational inequity in languages provision in Australian schools.

Sample of recent publications

  • Slaughter, Y., Smith, W. & Hajek, J. (2018). Videoconferencing and the networked provision of language programs in regional and rural schools. ReCALL. Online first, 1-14 http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0958344018000101
  • Lo Bianco, J. & Slaughter, Y. (2017). Bilingual Education in Australia. In O. Garcia. & A. Lin. (Eds). Encyclopedia of Language and Education, Bilingual Education, v.5, pp. 347-360. Springer. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-02344-1_33 
  • Lo Bianco, J. & Slaughter, Y. (2017). Language policy and education in Australia. In T. McCarty (Ed.). Encyclopedia of Language and Education, Language Policy and Political Issues in Education, v.1. pp. 449-461. Springer. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-02258-1_22
  • Lo Bianco, J. & Slaughter, Y. (2016). The Australian Asia project. In G. Leitner, A. Hashim & HG. Wolf. (Eds). Communicating with Asia: The future of English as a global language. (pp. 296-312). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Lo Bianco, J. & Slaughter, Y. (2016) Recognizing Diversity: The Incipient Role of Intercultural Education in Thailand. In J. Lo Bianco & A. Bal. (Eds). Learning from Difference: Comparative Accounts of Multicultural Education (pp. 191-219). Dordrecht: Springer.
  • Clyne, M., Slaughter, Y., Hajek, J. & Schupbach, D. (2015). On the relation between linguistic and social factors in migrant language contact. In R. De Busser. & R.J. LaPolla. (Eds). Language Structure and Environment: Social, Cultural, and Natural Factors (pp. 149-75). Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 
  • Hajek, J. & Slaughter, Y. (Eds) (2014) Challenging the Monolingual Mindset. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.

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